Photographer, Artist and Festival Producer, Roger’s prolific creative experience spans generations and genres. From creating one of New York’s first artistic film festivals with judges Andy Warhol, Gore Vidal and Milos Forman to producing rock concerts with the Doors, Four Seasons and Isaac Hayes nationwide, Roger identifies most as a cultural observer and photographic journalist.
His photographs documenting 60’s and 70’s music lifestyle, particularly those heralded during the Woodstock era, have been featured in various Hearst & McGraw Hill Publications to rock magazines.
In the 90’s and early 2000’s, he took a break from his career as an artist to pursue successful sojourns in film, university lecturing and most importantly, technological and entrepreneurial innovations.
Roger has now entered the next phase of his artistic career and is choosing to explore neo-pop mixed media, inspired by his own life, as well as current events, while simultaneously preserving the legacy of his work in photojournalism.
Woodstock Era Series
Click image to view portfolio.